Saturday, February 22, 2014

New Game Design - Playtest #3

On Friday evening, my game had its 3rd playtest.  Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we only played 2 of the 3 Years.  However, over the course of the test, I still received lots of good information.  I have a few minor tweaks to make (mostly card wordings), and a couple moderate changes/additions to consider (mostly to get a bit more player interaction).

It was a 3 player game, with 3 different strategies.  My strategy was to build my worker pool while getting buildings that allowed trade for food and extra resources.  The second player's strategy was to build lots of buildings for extra resources, and gain the ability to trade resources as needed.  The third player's strategy was to not feed their people, but build a trade engine of gold for Citizen Points, while sending workers to other player's towns to gain more Citizen Points.  At the end of the 2nd Year, the scores were:
Player 1 (me): 28
Player 2: 18
Player 3: 21

The scores were pretty close going into the 3rd year, where the majority of points are scored.  My thoughts on the game was that it seemed a bit more brain-burning than before, but the flow and balance seemed really good.  There is a strategy I want to attempt next time that deals with growing my work force as quickly as possible while ignoring 1st Year buildings, instead choosing to build a large supply of resources.

My hope is to make most or all of the changes I've identified, and bring the latest version to a game day in 2 weeks. 

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