Thursday, February 13, 2014

Kickstarter Musings #2 - Reward Levels

Before I begin this Musing, I want to apologize for something in my last Musings.  I should not have made suggestions that were not in the realm of possibility for Kickstarter as part of my main argument.  From now on, my main suggestions will be usable in Kickstarter.  If something I mention is not doable (since I have not created a project, I am not 100% sure), then someone please let me know.  I may still make some non-Kickstarter suggestions, but will refrain from mentioning them until the end of the post.

Now, today I want to talk about backer reward levels.  First, I will not be talking about the price of the levels as that is the creator's choice (they need to raise the funds).  What I want to discuss are the different levels that are presented to us backers to choose from, and what is offered in them.  Let's get started from the beginning:

1) $1 - A big "Thank You!" - Most projects include some form of the $1 Thank You level, whether it's a mention on their website or a toast, etc.  Although this level is not necessary (A backer can select the "Back This Project" button and put in $1), I think it's nice of the creator to thank everyone that backs their project (even at the lowest level).

2) You don't get the game, but here is something related to it - I have seen some projects that have a level below the "Get the Game" level that includes some related item (dice, tokens, etc...see the Compounded $8 level as an example).  Depending on the reward, I think these are either completely worthless or barely passable.  I don't really care about a button that has the name of a game that I could not back enough to own.  Perhaps if I would have received some tokens from the game, I might be okay; however, in general, I would pass on these levels.

3) Early Bird backer - I hate hate hate (did I mention hate?) these levels.  If you are going to offer a special rate for the first 50 or 100 backers, then either offer it to all backers, or reduce the price of your "Get the Game" level by $1 or $2.  It is really annoying to not know that a project has gone live until a mention on BGG, and then find that all the Early Bird level(s) have been taken.  Anyone who does this (especially Queen Games), please stop!

4) Get the Game - Yay!  I get a copy of your super-awesome game!  Enough said.

5) Get a Copy of the Base Game (Expansion Project) - No problems here.

6) 4 + 5 - Again, no problems.  Need the base game if I just found out this existed.

7) 4 + A copy of an unrelated game - I will say that I have pledged at this level before to get a hard to find game; however, I am generally not a fan of these levels.  It just seems like the creator is trying to do anything to get enough support to fund the game.  If your game is truly good, these levels should not be necessary.  Let your game speak for itself, and keep your other games out of the project.

8) Get drawn in the game/design a card/etc. - Generally, I think these are great rewards.  My only issue is that, similar to the Early Bird, you generally need to be one of the first 100-200 backers to have a chance at one of these.  My suggestion would be to release these over the course of the project to allow backers just finding the project the opportunity to get these as well.  Feel free to mention on your project when you will add some or provide an unfair social media advantage, but if I really like your project enough to back at a large level, then give me a chance at one of these levels.

9) Multiple copies of the game - These are excellent for international orders.  Keep using them.

So now that I have gone over most of the levels, there is one reward item that some projects add to most levels that I want to talk about...

Your name mentioned (insert location here) - In most cases, this is just fine.  The one location that I do not like, however, is in the rules.  Looking at the Kings of Air and Steam rules, the inside front page is just a list of backers.  Don't get me wrong, I think it's great as a backer to have my name mentioned somewhere, but please don't do it in the rules.  If it will be included in every copy of the game, then put it on the game box or the back of the game board.

So that's it for backer levels/rewards.  The topic for Musings #3 (at this time) will be Videos Included in Projects.  Thanks for reading!

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